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Node.js Tips & Tricks

Node Cheatsheet

$ node                        # Opens up Node REPL in command line
> .save index.js              # Saves REPL session into a file
> .load index.js              # Loads content of a file into Node REPL
> c <tab> <tab>               # Lists all possible combination for the letter C or anything you type
$ node index.js               # Runs a js script (index.js in this case)

$ node -p "some string"       # Executes a string expression
$ node -p "os.cpus().length"
$ node -p "process.versions.v8"
$ node -p "process.argv" hello 42

$ node -h | less              # Help on node
$ node --v8-options | grep "in progress"
$ NODE_DEBUG="http,fs" node index.js
$ VAL1=10 node index.js       # Sets a variable key-value in process.env
    $ export VAL1=10          # works same as above, just two steps
    $ node index.js

Fix npm global permissions

$ mkdir ~/.npm-global
$ npm config set prefix '~/.npm-global'
$ export PATH=~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH
$ source ~/.profile

Global Installations


Local Installations

yup - Javascript object validation based on Joi

Last update: February 16, 2023