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Conda Cheatsheet

Conda Basics
$ conda info                    // Verify conda is installed, check version number
$ conda update conda            // Update conda to the current version
$ conda install <package>       // Install a package included in Anaconda
$ conda install numpy matplotlib seaborn scikit-learn            // Install multiple packages in a single command
$ spyder                        // Run a package after install. Example *Spyder
$ conda update <package>        // Update any installed program
$ COMMANDNAME --help            // Command line help. Check this out if really true.........
$ conda install --help          // Command line help
$ anaconda-navigator            // Open Anaconda Navigator
Using Environments
$ conda create --name py35 python=3.5        // Create new environment named py35, install Python 3.5
$ source activate py35                       // Activate the new environment to use it
$ source deactivate                          // Deactivate the current environment
$ conda env list                             // List all my environments. Active env is shown with env
$ conda create --clone py35 --name py35-2    // Make exact copy of an environment
$ conda list                                 // List all Packages and versions installed in active environment
$ conda list --revisions                     // List the history of each change to the current environment
$ conda install --revision 2                 // Restore environments to a previous revision
$ conda list --explicit > bio-env.txt        // Save environment to a text file
$ conda env remove --name bio-env            // Delete an environment and everything in it
$ conda env create --file bio-env.txt        // Create environment from a text file
$ conda create --name bio-env biopython      // Stack commands: create a new env, name it and install biopython package
Finding Conda packages
$ conda search <package>                // Use Conda to search for a package
$           // See list of all packages in Anaconda
Installing and Updating packages
$ conda install jupyter                    // install a new package (Jupyter Notebook) in active env
$ jupyter-notebook                         // Run an installed package (Jupyter Notebook)
$ conda install --name bio-env toolz       // Install a new package toolz in a different env (bio-env)
$ conda update scikit-learn                // Update a package in current environment
$ conda install --channel conda-forge boltons      // Install a package from a specified channel                    
$ pip install boltons                              // Install a package directly from PiPy in current env using Pip
$ conda remove --name bio-env toolz boltons        // Remove one of more packages from a specified env
Managing multiple versions of Python
$ conda create --name py34 python=3.4    // Install different version of Python in a new environment named py34
$ source activate py34                   // Switch to the new environment that has a different version of Python
$ which -a python                        // Show the locations of all versions of Python that are currently in the path
$ python --version                       // Show version information for the current active Python

Last update: February 16, 2023